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Similar to the RowBinary format, but with added header:

  • LEB128-encoded number of columns (N).
  • N Strings specifying column names.
  • N Strings specifying column types.

Example Usage

Format Settings

The following settings are common to all RowBinary type formats.

format_binary_max_string_sizeThe maximum allowed size for String in RowBinary format.1GiB
output_format_binary_encode_types_in_binary_formatAllows to write types in header using binary encoding instead of strings with type names in RowBinaryWithNamesAndTypes output format.false
input_format_binary_decode_types_in_binary_formatAllows to read types in header using binary encoding instead of strings with type names in RowBinaryWithNamesAndTypes input format.false
output_format_binary_write_json_as_stringAllows to write values of the JSON data type as JSON String values in RowBinary output format.false
input_format_binary_read_json_as_stringAllows to read values of the JSON data type as JSON String values in RowBinary input format.false

If setting input_format_with_names_use_header is set to 1, the columns from input data will be mapped to the columns from the table by their names, columns with unknown names will be skipped if setting input_format_skip_unknown_fields is set to 1. Otherwise, the first row will be skipped. If setting input_format_with_types_use_header is set to 1, the types from input data will be compared with the types of the corresponding columns from the table. Otherwise, the second row will be skipped.